週六, 25 一月 2014 11:28

English Builder Prize-giving (First Term) 2013 - 14

(1 投票)

To acknowledge students with outstanding performance of the online English Builder exercise in the first term, the English Department awarded them certificates and food coupons. The champions were awarded a certificate and a twenty-dollar McDonald’s coupon. The first- and second-runners up received a certificate anda ten-dollar McDonald’s coupon.

The results are as follows:

Form 1


1A Li Chun Hin

1st runner-up:
1C Yeung Cho Leung

2nd runner-up:
1B Kwok Wan Lok


Form 2

2A Ng Ka Chun

1st runner-up:
2A Liu Chun Hei

1st runner-up:
2B Lai Yee Man

Form 3

3A Alex Lau Peace

3A Kong Kai Yau

1st runner-up:
3A Lo Pak Wa

閱讀 36270 次數 最後修改於 週六, 25 一月 2014 11:34